THE PREGNANT MICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pregnant Mice are a small group of deathmatch doomers & duke nukemers in the Edinburgh area. When playing Multi player Doom we found quite a lot of the Deathmatch WADs which we copied from CDRom or downloaded were of poor quality or bug ridden. Knowing we could better we started designing our own Deathmatch WADs. These is an example of our first efforts. They all have been extensively play tested. We recently started converting our wads to Duke Nukem maps. Check the individual text files for each WAD/MAP for level information and copyrights. Get in touch if you want more of our wads for Doom & Doom ][, Duke Nukem maps. Email Al at,, or visit our web page at, If you don't have a modem phone us at (UK) 0131 666 0501 and ask for Andy. In the Pregnant Mice are, Andy Mckie (founder member), Alastair Montgomery, Joe Peat, Amritpal Notta, Deals and the rest.